Sunday, 27 November 2011

Understand Men | How to Understand What Men Want

“If Only I Could Understand Men….”


When it comes to ways to understand men, you got to think outside of your comfort zone. Men always say they can’t understand women, and that women are so complicated.


Well, for many women, it is the exact opposite. Most would give anything to understand men in order the know what they really want in a relationship. Even though women want to know what he’s thinking, men are often reluctant to share what is in their hearts.

Click here to get your copy of “Women Men Adore”

What’s a woman to do?

Rather than describe all the differences between the sexes, it is often more helpful to focus on a few areas that any woman can understand.

1) Men are more sensitive than women. While some women might find that hard to believe, it’s true. Men don’t have the ability to recover from emotional trauma as effectively as a woman.

Because of this, men keep themselves from getting too upset. When a woman tells a man that he should “let his feelings out,” what he translates that to mean I want you to tell me how much you really love me.

2) Men hate fighting. A man would rather say what’s on his mind and walk away. Men don’t want to have those long fights that start in the evening and ends two days later. Once we say what we wanted to say, it’s over. At least that is what we think and wish would happen. One of the biggest problems most men have when it comes to fighting is that we can dish it, but we can’t take it.

Once a conflict becomes emotionally charged, it is very difficult for a man to contain those feelings and the most frequent coping skill is for them to become quiet. It may seem like they are punishing you, but they are most likely trying not to lose control.

3) Men want to get married. In spite of what many progressive cultures preach, the truth is that a majority of men in the world do get married. While the freedom of being single has its appeal, it comes with one primary drawback – it is lonely. It really sucks being alone and most men will tell you that if given a choice of being alone or being married they will pick marriage.

While this might not sound overly romantic, finding a woman that a man can trust is just as important as finding one who is beautiful. When a man opens up to a woman he don’t expect that woman to go an tell all of her girlfriends about how he finally open up.

Ladies do this sound like you…

When we first started dating he would take me to fun places and we would go out all the time. He would listen to everything I had to say and he understood what I was talking about.  Then suddenly, as if they knew they had reeled me in, they stopped trying.  They stopped calling as much, stopped taking me out and basically stopped being romantic.

What did I do wrong?

I just dont’ understand men because I think I’m attractive, I have a good personality and I work out to keep my body in nice shape.  So why then, do I always end up with the men who just come over to sit around my place and watch sports all evening.

What happen to the romance?

I see other women who, frankly, are not as attractive as I am or as thin as I am, who seem to get the “hot” men.  I don’t necessarily mean gorgeous men, but the men who take them to nice restaurants, bring them flowers, take them dancing and, basically, “court” them.

What secrets do they know that I don’t, because they certainly aren’t sharing them?”

Most women think a wonderful relationship is simply about finding the right man. The truth is that those women who have wonderful relationships didn’t necessarily know where to find good men, instead they attracted them.

What you are missing here is that you need to attract the right type of man.

Most women that find it hard to keep a good man always talk with another woman to find out what they are doing wrong. Big mistake. If you want to understand men, you need to talk to men.

Do you know of someone who has a pattern of always dating losers, bad boys, who always break their heart and leave them crying?

For those women, oftentimes they need help in identifying the signs of such unreliable men.

To me a loser is a man who is totally into himself and has little empathy for a woman’s needs. He is a man who has a pattern of sweet talking women in an attempt to sweep them off their feet and into the nearest bed. Player’s are more concern with how many women they can sleep with at one time. Players’s will wine and dine you and tell you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have met you. Once they get into bed with you, your services are no longer required. This is especially true if you are lousy in bed. I hate to say this, but some women and men are just lousy when it comes to sex.

Players are wonderful in the beginning of a relationship; however, in time they most always become less attached and more distant to their partner. Some never call back, others break dates and some even “forget” their wallet and their date ends up paying for the meal.

Have you ever met or dated a man such as this? Perhaps he never said he loved you, and whenever you spoke about commitment, he would change the subject.

The truth is that no woman ever wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “Today I need to find a man who will hurt me”, but if you keep setting yourself up to get hurt…guess what. You will get hurt.

Rather what most often happens is that many women (and men) tend to confuse intensity with reliability. They meet someone who makes them FEEL wonderful or excited and they assume that he is a good man.

The problem isn’t that their feelings are wrong. What gets them into trouble is that their intense feelings often cause them to ignore bad or inconsistent behavior that they would clearly see if they were not so emotionally involved.

If you liked these insights, there are more available in Bob Grant’s wonderful e-book called, “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want to Leave.” Bob Grant, L.P.C., has taken his 17 years of private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach and condensed only the best information into a mouth-watering, powerful handbook on what men find themselves powerless to resist in a woman.

Click Here to Visit The Woman That Men Adore Official Site


Understand Men | How to Understand What Men Want

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